You can take the pulse of the prospects of Silicon Valley by checking stock prices, revenues, profits, hiring, even press clippings of various companies. 通过各公司的股价、营收、利润、雇用情况,甚至剪报等,我们就可以把握硅谷的发展脉搏。
The time-domain characteristic parameter anaylsis cannot differentiate between normal and wiry pulses. However, time-domain pulse differential analysis can quantify wiry and normal pulses by using the first peak P1 and the second valley V2. 时域的脉波特征参数分析所提出的常用点无法进行弦脉和平脉的区别,而时域脉波微分法以第一波峰P1和第二波谷V2可区别弦脉与平脉。
The pulse graph showed the amplitude of B wave decreased and its rising and falling rates were slow with pause and transition. B wave and D wave were mixed together. The relative position of E valley was high. F ware was not obvious. 3. 脉图显示B波幅度降低,上升和下降的速度都很缓慢,并出现顿挫,B波和D波融合为一,E谷的相对位置很高,F波不明显。
In pulse graph, B wave height decreased. The rising and falling speed was fast. D wave was absent. E valley position was low, nearing the basic line or under it. 脉图显示B波高度降低,但上升和下降的速度都较快;D波缺如;E谷位置很低,接近基线或在基线以下。
The pulse graph was steep. B wave was high and wide. D wave was quite obvious. The relative height of E valley wse high and about half of B wave. 4. 脉图显示升支陡峭,B波高且宽,D波十分明显,E谷的相对高度较高,约相当于B波的一半。